Tag Archives: spanish language

Sounds that make you sound Spanish – ¡Buah! ¡Anda! ¡Hala! ¡Uy! ¡Puf!

Want to sound super Spanish? I run through ten useful and fun Spanish interjections that you can pepper your conversations with to help express yourself even more clearly when you’re chatting en español. ¡Anda! When I first started learning Spanish and hanging around with native speakers I kept hearing these noises that popped up in … Continue reading Sounds that make you sound Spanish – ¡Buah! ¡Anda! ¡Hala! ¡Uy! ¡Puf!

Speaking Andaluz & life in Andalucía with Adam Harrison from El Inglés Andaluz

Think you can speak Spanish? Think again if you move to Andalucía! Adam Harrison moved to Huelva province seven years ago and realised that the local dialect was very different to the Spanish he had learnt. So on a quest to share is observations and frustrations learning Andaluz Adam set up InglesAndaluz on TikTok and … Continue reading Speaking Andaluz & life in Andalucía with Adam Harrison from El Inglés Andaluz

Discovering the Arabic Influence on Spanish Language with David Bowles

What do the Spanish words Hasta, Loco, Barrio, Aceite, Moreno, Ojalá, Chaleco, Tarea and Fideo all have in common? They’re all Arabic origin words that have been absorbed into the Spanish language. Spanish has some 1,000 Arabic roots and about 3,000 derived words, so nearly 4,000 in total, that’s 8% of the Spanish language.  In … Continue reading Discovering the Arabic Influence on Spanish Language with David Bowles

Colourful Spanish expressions – A class in streetwise slang & vulgar vocab

Fancy coming to my Spanish class? My classmates, Cat, Matt and Lia and our Spanish teacher, Ana take a break from grammar and share our favourite colourful Spanish expressions, sayings and vulgar vocabulary. If you’re easily offended you might want to skip this episode! Have you ever needed to describe bad sex? Uff! There’s a … Continue reading Colourful Spanish expressions – A class in streetwise slang & vulgar vocab