Tag Archives: daily life in Spain

Moving to Spain a little later in life – a journey of personal growth & reinvention with Cepee Tabibian

Are you thinking of starting a new life in Spain but feel like you’ve left it too late? Do you want to break free of your routine and start a journey of reinvention, self-discovery and personal growth? Is it too late to change your life when you’re already in your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond? … Continue reading Moving to Spain a little later in life – a journey of personal growth & reinvention with Cepee Tabibian

Becoming Spanish – 17 habits I’ve picked up since living in Spain

Giving everyone two kisses, mixing up Spanish and English, drinking coffee in glasses, wearing flip-flops indoors, being more stingy when tipping and buying everyone a drink when it’s MY birthday. All things I never used to when I lived in the UK! These are just a handful of habits I’ve picked up since living in … Continue reading Becoming Spanish – 17 habits I’ve picked up since living in Spain